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WalMart Accident Lawyers

WalMart Accident LawyersHave you or a loved one been injured in a WalMart store anywhere in the United States such as the West, Midwest, Southwest, Southeast, Midatlantic or Northeast? If so, you may be entitled to benefits and financial compensation according to your states personal injury statutes. WalMart is a giant corporation and they did not get to be as big as they are by losing money. WalMart views paying personal injury claims as losing money so they will do everything they can to not have to pay for your injuries, medical bills, lost wages, etc. They will protect themselves from the very beginning and you should do the same by retaining an experienced personal injury attorney who has experience handling WalMart slip and fall claims, Walmart parking lot accident claims and WalMart workers’ compensation claims. Contact our network of WalMart accident lawyers today for a free initial consultation. They offer free consultations and they charge no fee unless they recover for you.

Our WalMart accident lawyers serve those injured at Walmart stores throughout the country including: Texas, Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois, Florida, and California.

WalMart’s History And Facts

WalMart, also spelled Wal-Mart, began as a small discount retailer in Rogers, Arkansas in 1950 when Sam Walton opened Walton’s 5 & 10. Walmart has since opened thousands of stores in the U.S. and expanded internationally. Walmart operates over 11,000 retail units under 65 banners in 28 countries and e-commerce websites in 11 countries. We employ 2.2 million associates around the world — 1.3 million in the U.S. alone.

Wal-Mart is also consistently one of, if not the largest, employers in the United States. Along with that they have been number 1 or number 2 in terms of the most profitable companies in the world. They ended 2014 with a net sales exceedeing $5 billion dollars globally.

Texas has the most WalMart’s in the United States with 329 stores. Vermont has the fewest with 4 stores.

Accident Causes In WalMart And Sam’s Club Stores

While every slip and fall accident in a store has unique circumstances, there are some common causes to slip and fall injuries that may indicate the big business is at fault:

Wet, slippery, broken or uneven floors and flooring

Broken shelving

Dangerous items hanging from shelves or ceilings

Loose or unsecured rugs or carpeting

Ice buildup in parking lot or near store entrance

Car and pedestrian accidents

Most accidents are caused by one of the factors listed above, or some slight deviation of them.  If you have suffered a slip and fall in a store, note the cause and gather evidence supporting your claim. From there contact our WalMart Accident Lawyers for a free consult. They charge no fees unless they recover for you.

Liability In A WalMart Accident

If you are injured in a slip and fall accident at a Wal-Mart the business may be liable for the injuries that you suffer. Every business has a legal responsibility to its customers to keep them safe from injuries, and are financially liable when safety standards are not met and customers are harmed.  The legal responsibility to keep customers safe does not mean that slip and falls at Wal-Mart or other big box stores will always result in a successful injury claim, however, as large businesses are well prepared with experienced attorneys who are well practiced at defending lawsuits.  If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident at a WalMart grocery store you should consider consulting an experienced attorney before taking any insurance or legal action.

In any slip and fall injury claim, the injured party must be able to demonstrate the defendant was at fault for the injuries suffered by proving the accident was caused by a hazardous condition that the store should have been aware of.  The decisions about whether or not the condition that caused the slip and fall accident is considered hazardous, and whether the store should have known, can vary due to factors beyond your control, however, you can help yourself by quickly gathering evidence.  After your slip and fall accident in a store, it is a good idea to record everything that happened immediately while it is fresh in your mind by:

Taking photos of the area

Noting, and taking photos of, warning signs, conditions of the floor, conditions of the products or aisles near you, and any other factor that contributed to the slip and fall

Getting names and contact information of witnesses to the incident

Taking names of every store employee who spoke to you

Writing down the facts as soon as you have an opportunity to do so

Representatives and employees from Wal-Mart will not help you with this. It is on you and you need to take matters into your own hands when gathering the evidence necessary to prove the business was at fault for your slip and fall accident. Once you retain one of our WalMart accident lawyers they will take over the fact and evidence finding for your claim.

WalMart Parking Lot Injuries

A large store such as Wal-Mart, Target or Home Depot can be legally responsible for a slip and fall injury that occurs in the parking lot just as it can the interior of the store.  As with any claim, you will need to prove the business was negligent by demonstrating the injury was caused by a hazardous condition the store knew, or should have known, about.

For example, if you slip and fall on a patch of ice outside of Safeway, your ability to recover injury damages will depend on whether or not store employees knew about the ice or should have known about it given the weather and the conditions where customers are likely to walk.  If the injury occurred first thing in the morning before store employees had a reasonable opportunity to prevent the accident, then the store may not be liable.  If the accident happened after several customers had complained or noted the presence of ice, then the store faces legal responsibility for the injuries.

Liability for slip and fall accidents in a parking lot depends on the same legal factors as accidents that occur in the store – the only change is the factual circumstances that drive the conclusion.

WalMart Restroom Accidents

Not all Wal-Mart accidents happen in the aisles or in the parking lot. Wal-Mart bathrooms and restrooms are a very common place for accidents to occur. These accidents can result in serious life altering injuries to the victim. These accidents are almost always caused by slippery or wet floors. Many times these areas do not have adequate signage warning patrons of the hazardous conditions. That coupled by the fact that people may tend to walk a a faster pace when they have to use the restroom makes for a very hazardous situation.

What Not To Do After A WalMart Accident

Everything you say and do after a slip and fall injury at a large business can influence the settlement you receive.  You are well served by avoiding any contact regarding the injury with anyone, including family or friends and especially insurance adjusters or store employees, until you have consulted with our WalMart accident lawyers.

Immediately after the accident you may be required to fill out a slip and fall report form or contact a claims department in the store in order to officially put the business on notice that the incident occurred.  If you must file notice of the accident immediately, avoid saying things like “I’m ok” or “I feel fine.” Statements like these could jeopardize your claim and can make it more difficult, or even impossible, for you to obtain benefits and compensation regardless of how badly you are injured. Please only give the facts surrounding the accident as that is more than sufficient.  Also, you are free to request time to contact our WalMart accident lawyers before taking further action.

Hiring Our WalMart Accident Lawyers

Big box stores such as Home Depot and Wal-Mart are experienced at defending slip and fall lawsuits, and have been known to take an aggressive stance in proving the store is not at fault.  Wal-Mart especially is notorious for defending slip and fall lawsuits in court, and the company has stated that it prides itself in rigorously fighting slip and fall liability accusations.  This does not mean that Wal-Mart, or other large stores, fight dirty or bend legal rules – it simply means they are well prepared and well practiced at defending slip and fall lawsuits.

With the possibility of an aggressive defense to your lawsuit a likelihood, you are well served by consulting with an experienced slip and fall attorney before taking any legal action.  Our WalMart accident lawyers offer free consultations, and work on a contingency fee – meaning they do not get paid unless you win a judgment or receive a settlement.

Contact Our WalMart Accident Lawyers

Please do not hesitate to contact our team of WalMart accident lawyers to discuss your case. Despite how big WalMart is as a corporation they still have an obligation to maintain safe property conditions. If they do not, and you suffer an injury, you may be entitled to benefits and financial compensation. Let out WalMart premises liability attorneys get you the benefits and compensation you deserve.

No matter what state you were injured in our team of WalMart accident lawyers can help as they serve all 50 states, Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. including: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida,Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Washington D.C., West Virginia, Wyoming and Wisconsin.