Gay Friendly Lawyers
Get the Representation You Deserve
Our Services
Auto Accidents
Criminal Defense
Medical Malpractice
Personal Injury
Employment Law
Worker’s Comp
Family Law
Experienced, dedicated and compassionate. That sums up our team of queer and LGBTQ friendly lawyers serving the entire United States, Washington D.C. as well as Puerto Rico. They have been providing excellent comprehensive legal services to businesses, families and individuals throughout the country for several decades. With that, they know the challenges you may face when going through the legal system for cases related to auto accidents, civil rights violations, medical malpractice, personal injury cases, workers compensation, DUI’s, DWI’s & OUI’s, criminal charges, drug possession, domestic violence, family law issues, discrimination and employment law issues. In addition, our gay attorneys help victims of sexual abuse and their families. Regardless of the type of legal issue you are facing you should not go through the situation alone no matter how minor your case may seem. You absolutely need the legal services provided by our skilled gay friendly lawyers. They handle all types of legal cases including but not limited to; animal attacks, auto accidents, bankruptcy, business law, car accidents, civil rights, construction accidents, construction law, criminal defense, dangerous products, defective products, DUI, DWI & OUI defense, employment law, family law, harmful medications, personal injury, medical malpractice, medical negligence, slip and falls, tractor trailer accidents, traffic tickets, trucking accidents, workers’ compensation cases and wrongful death. Please contact our team of LGBT attorneys. You can also visit @gayfriendlylawyers to begin your free case analysis. In addition, you can view our plethora of queer attorney videos here.
Our team of LGBTQ friendly attorneys will provide you the legal help, information and representation you deserve. Please work with our team of LGBTQ friendly attorneys to find out more about our affordable legal services, fighting for and protecting your rights and how they can help you.
LGBTQ Community Jargon
As with many communities, cultures, subcultures and fellowships there are terms specific to the gay, gay friendly and LGBTQ population. Each are explained below:
- Bi-gender refers to a person whose gender identity encompasses both male and female genders. Some may feel that one identity is stronger, but both are present.
- FTM, which stands for female-to-male, can be anyone who was assigned the female sex at birth but identifies and lives as a male. A transgender man can also be referred to as FTM.
- Gender identity A person’s internal sense of being male, female, or something else. Since gender identity is internal, one’s gender identity is not necessarily visible to others.
- Gender nonconforming pertains to anyone whose gender expression is different from societal expectations related to their perceived gender.
- Gender-queer, colloquially known as queer, is used by people who don’t entirely identify as either male or female.
- MTF is someone who transitions from male-to-female, meaning a person who was assigned the male sex at birth but identifies and lives as a female. A transgender woman can also be referred to as MTF.
- Transgender refers to anyone whose gender identity and/or expression is different from that typically associated with their assigned sex at birth.
It is important to note that the term transgender has been used to describe a number of gender minorities including, but not limited to, transsexuals, cross-dressers, androgynous people, gender-queers, and gender non-conforming people. Trans is an abbreviation for the term transgender.
Where Our Gay & Gay Friendly Lawyers Serve
No matter what state your legal issues are in our team of LGBT friendly lawyers can help as they serve all 50 states, Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. including: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Washington D.C., West Virginia, Wyoming & Wisconsin.
LGBTQ Friendly Auto Accident Attorneys

In the unfortunate event you are injured in an auto accident you may be entitled to various benefits depending on the circumstances surrounding the accident, the extent of your injuries, the type of vehicle that hit you and who caused the accident. Our gay friendly auto accident attorneys can help you get those benefits. There can be a single party at fault or multiple at fault parties. Some of the numerous benefits you can potentially be eligible for are vehicle repair costs, medical bills (current & future), lost wages (current & future), death benefits, funeral benefits, loss of companionship benefits, loss of parental guidance benefits.
To ensure you receive all benefits and compensation you are entitled to it makes sense to consult with our skilled LGBTQ friendly car accident lawyers very soon after the accident. Our team of gay & gay friendly auto accident injury lawyers will work on your behalf and make sure that your legal rights are protected throughout this emotionally and psychologically trying time. They will also strive to get you the full, fair and just compensation for your loss.
LGBT Friendly Bankruptcy Attorneys

The Bankruptcy Code exists, in part, to serve those who need a fresh financial start. Unfortunately, bankruptcy misconceptions, the costs and consequences of filing and knowing the differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 keep many people from considering what may be their best way to obtain financial relief and the weight of massive financial debt due to loss of job, divorce, death of a spouse, medical bills, being injured, etc.
In order to legally qualify to practice bankruptcy law, an attorney must be admitted in the federal bankruptcy court or district court (depending on local practice) of the state where the bankruptcy case is filed (most of the time this is where the person filing lives.) However, in order to effectively practice bankruptcy law, much more is required. Bankruptcy practice is completely different than any other area of legal practice. It is largely governed by the Bankruptcy Code and Bankruptcy Rules of Procedure. In most cases, the amount you owe and how you acquired your debt is insignificant. What you own, the amount of your income, and how and when you transferred money or property before filing are, however, significant issues. Thus, the responsibility for a debt or obligation, a concept that is at the heart of civil law and legal training, is largely without significance in the bankruptcy realm. Instead new rules come into play and exemptions, preferences, and priority of debt take on major significance.
What’s more, bankruptcy law is constantly evolving. Within the last few years the Bankruptcy Code was dramatically altered. Rules applying to Bankruptcy have been amended numerous times since then. Court cases are constantly decided which make even more changes to this body of law. Any attorney practicing bankruptcy law, queer or not, must be able to devote the time and attention necessary to stay abreast of these changes.
The LGBTQ friendly bankruptcy attorneys on our team have many decades of collective experience practicing bankruptcy law. Along with our educated and knowledgeable support staff, we insure that we provide the most effective representation possible. In bankruptcy, it is very important that you make knowledgeable and informed decisions and take deliberate and educated actions. We use the leading resources and software in the bankruptcy practice arena and take great care to insure that our attorneys are updated with the latest information to guide you in your planning and decision making.
The initial consultation with one of our team’s LGBT friendly bankruptcy attorneys costs nothing and can answer many of your Questions on how we can benefit you, including the affects of bankruptcy on your credit, the Process Involved in Filing For Bankruptcy, and Preparation For Bankruptcy. To speak with one of our experienced LGBTQIA bankruptcy attorneys, please contact us today by clicking here.
Cancer Injury Cases Impacting The Gay & LGBTQ Communities
Anyone, regardless of sexual identity or sexual orientation, can get cancer. It is caused by both environmental and genetic factors. Any substance that disrupts normal cellular activity can cause cancer and is termed a carcinogen. Chemicals, medications, garden and household products can all cause cancer. Cancer can also be purely genetic which does not necessarily give you grounds for a cancer injury lawsuit. However, if your doctor, either an infectious disease doctor, oncologist, pulmonologist or any type of doctor, did not ascertain a complete medical history, and your cancer goes undiagnosed, the diagnosis is delayed or is inaccurately diagnosed you may have grounds for a medical misdiagnosis claim if the diagnostic error led to the cancer advancing to another phase and options for treatment were nullified. Our LGBTQ cancer misdiagnosis attorneys encourage you to connect with them for an in depth case analysis.
Gay, Queer & LGBTQ Attorneys Handling Civil Rights Cases
Have you had your civil rights violated anywhere in the USA, Puerto Rico or Washington D.C.? If so, you need the help of our skilled gay friendly civil rights attorneys handling civil rights claims throughout the entire gay and LGBT friendly communities. Over the course of their legal careers our queer civil rights lawyers have handled cases on behalf of individual citizens against government officials, government agencies, public institutions, and private employers for violations of the individual’s rights under the United States Constitution. These include police abuse, prison abuse, foster care abuse, school abuse, abuse in mental health institutions, sexual assault, racial profiling, racial discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, HIV-AIDS discrimination, harassment based on race or sexual orientation, pregnancy discrimination & religious discrimination. In addition, our team of LGBTQ friendly civil rights lawyers have also represented plaintiffs and victims in cases against police officers and police departments for the use of excessive force, illegal searches and seizures, hate crimes, false arrests, and related abuses of power.
Gay & LGBTQ Friendly Construction Law Attorneys

Our team of LGBTQ construction law attorneys been skillfully representing builders, contractors, subcontractors, homeowners, and home improvement companies across the United States for years.
From representing clients before administrative boards to preparing contracts to filing mechanic’s liens, our attorneys provide cost effective legal services covering the spectrum of construction law issues which includes construction accident claims.
After hours and weekend appointments are available to meet with a gay friendly & LGBT construction law attorney from our firm.
LGBTQ Friendly Criminal Defense Attorneys

Being a suspect or being charged with a serious crime is frightening for all and in many cases even more so for people of color. A criminal conviction for assault, battery, domestic violence, drug crimes, DUI, property crimes, sex crimes, traffic violations, violent crimes, weapons offenses or any other criminal charge(s) could cost you your freedom, your reputation, custody of your children and your livelihood.
You need legal services from a law firm well known for providing aggressive, results-oriented criminal defense. Experienced in both state and federal criminal cases our LGBTQ friendly criminal defense attorneys are dedicated and tenacious advocates for the accused and can handle a wide range of criminal defense cases including DUI, DWI & OUI, misdemeanors and drug possession.
Placing your criminal defense case in the hands of our competent LGBTQ friendly criminal defense lawyers gives you the best chance of obtaining the best possible positive outcome. Find out more by contacting our nationwide network of LGBTQ friendly criminal defense attorneys.
Gay & LGBTQ Friendly DUI Defense Attorneys
Are you facing DUI charges of any kind? If so, you stand to lose a lot if convicted. Consuming alcohol is a very common activity at colleges and universities even though it is illegal to consume alcohol under the age of 21. Many times after indulging in alcohol you may decide to operate a motor vehicle. Not only is this incredibly dangerous as someone could get hurt or killed in an accident but it is also illegal. If you are are caught driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol you can be arrested. A DUI arrest will most likely impact your academic status and can quickly become very expensive and complicated legally. If you have been charged with DUI in any state, Washington DC or Puerto Rico you need the help of our LGBT friendly DUI attorneys.
Please contact and connect with our LGBT friendly DUI attorneys and LGBT friendly DWI defense lawyers regarding your pending DUI case. They can be reached via email here. By retaining a skilled DUI attorney serving the gay and LGBT communities you will feel better knowing that your rights will be protected. Our network of LGBT friendly DUI defense attorneys serve those facing DUI, DWI, OUI, OVI and all other types of driving while impaired charges across the country. Connect with us immediately should you, or your child, be facing any of the following DUI charges: DUI, DWI, OUI, BWI, DUI roadblocks, Juvenile DUI, Felony DUI, Ambien DUI, Cocaine DUI, Drugged Driving, Marijuana DUI, BAC Test Defense, Field Sobriety Test Defense, Breath Test Refusal, DUI With Property Damage, DUI With Child In Car, DUI With Physical Injury or Death & DUI With Drugs In Car.
A DUI, DWI or OUI in most states can be deemed either a misdemeanor or a felony. For the most part that depends on your previous DUI and criminal records and the circumstance surrounding your DUI. Regardless, if convicted you will face fines, court costs, attorney’s fees, possible jail time and possible expulsion from school. In some cases your charges may be able to be dismissed or lessened. Again, that has to do with the exact circumstances of your DUI arrest. By retaining our Boston, MA LGBT friendly DUI defense attorneys you will be assured that your rights are protected throughout the entire legal process. Enlisting the aid of an experienced gay friendly DWI defense lawyer from our team will ideally help your case by achieving the best possible outcome.
Defective Product Attorneys Serving The Gay & LGBTQ Communities
Dangerous drugs, defective and faulty products are all around Americans everyday in their home, office, garden and schools. These products, even prescription medications given to you by your doctor, can result in serious injury or death. Examples are Roundup weedkiller, the HIV/AIDS medication Truvada, Zantac heartburn medicine, IKEA furniture, GM airbag recalls, IVC filters, heart stents, catheters, Fisher Price baby sleepers and countless others. Best case scenario with defective products, faulty medical devices and harmful medications you stop using the product, return it or have it replaced. Worst case scenario it ends in serious injury or death to you, your spouse, child and other loved ones. Please contact our gay friendly defective product lawyers for a free case review and an in depth explanation of your rights and how we will protect them and get you the compensation you deserve.
LGBTQ Friendly Employment Law Attorneys
Every worker has the right to fair and unbiased treatment in the workplace. Most employment laws and labor laws are federal laws but each state also has some of their own.Representing clients in all aspects of the employment relationship, our New York, NY gay friendly employment law attorneys have been recognized and commended by clients and colleagues alike for their past accomplishments, straightforward advice, practical approach, and zealous advocacy.
Our experienced team of Pennsylvania LGBTQ friendly employment law attorneys relentlessly litigate discrimination, harassment, retaliation, disability, and FMLA cases (among many others) and also provides consultative advice to ensure that proper and effective policies and preventative measures are in place – not only to avoid liability, future litigation, and to ensure compliance with federal and state laws, but also to guarantee that all employees are treated fairly at work. The legal skills possessed by our attorneys include experience, thoughtfulness, and personalities allow us to provide the best possible advice and representation for our clients. Our California LGBTQ friendly employment law lawyers handle all types of employment law defense & plaintiff cases including: discrimination, harassment, workplace training, employment law litigation, contract disputes, FMLA issues, retaliation, no-compete agreements, severance agreements, employee rights and employment benefits.
Gay & LGBT Friendly Family Law Attorneys

Whether you’re dealing with a less-than-amicable divorce or trying to adopt a child or confronting another serious family law matter, experience does count.
The Baltimore, MD LGBT friendly family law attorneys on our team have decades of combined legal experience handling family law cases for the people across the country.
The sooner you seek our help with experienced gay, gay friendly & LGBT friendly family law lawyers, the sooner we can help you protect your rights and ensure the welfare of your family. To arrange a consultation with one of our transgender friendly family law attorneys contact them here. They will explain your rights to you and iterate how they can help.
Medical Malpractice Lawyers Serving the Gay & LGBTQ Communities
Being injured, having an illness such as cancer advance of losing a loved one while under the care of any type of medical professional is referred to as medical malpractice. Statistically just over half of all doctors will be sued or named in a malpractice suit at some point in their careers. The phrase medical negligence is common and is synonymous with medical malpractice. Any type of healthcare professional can commit medical malpractice. Examples are doctors, osteopaths, allopaths, surgeons, anesthesiologists, oncologists, nurses, chiropractors, physical therapists, CRNA’s, physicians assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses aides and orderlies. Despite any of these medical providers being able to injure, harm or kill a patient it is usually the doctor, healthcare organization, university or hospital that gets sued as they require malpractice insurance per their state medical board. No matter who caused your injury or death of a loved one it is imperative that you reach out to our gay medical malpractice attorneys at once. Victims of medical negligence, and in some cases their families, may be entitled to benefits and significant financial compensation for their injuries, pain and suffering, missed time at work, change in academic status and various economic losses.
Despite there being literally tens of thousands of ways an injury can be caused by a medical professional there are only a handful of categories medical injury claims fall into: anesthesia malpractice, cancer misdiagnosis, autoimmune disorder misdiagnosis, delayed or inaccurately diagnosing in injury, x-ray, blood test, MRI, EEG & EKG misinterpretation, birth injuries and birth defects, medication errors, surgical malpractice, labor and delivery injuries to the mother and various infections. If you think about it there are 206 bones in the human body so there are 206 different ways medical malpractice can occur. The United States acknowledges more than 120 forms of cancer so there are another 120+ ways medical negligence can occur.
In the medical malpractice world there are many cases of incorrectly diagnosing an illness or injury but there are no damages (damages are economic of financial losses) so there is no case. An example is diagnosing bronchitis as an upper respiratory infection. While yes there was a diagnostic error but the treatment is essentially the same so the patient was not harmed by the inaccurate diagnosis. Proving a medical malpractice claim has to do with the 4 D’s being part of the equation. The 4 D’s are:
- Duty
- Deviation
- Direct Causation
- Damages
Unless all 4 of these are present in the claim there will usually not be grounds for a med mal lawsuit. By no means should you attempt to figure out for yourself if your lawsuit has merit. Please call or email our medical negligence attorneys serving the gay and LGBTQ communities nationwide for a complimentary and thorough case analysis.
Gay & LGBTQ Friendly Personal Injury Attorneys

Injured in an accident or hurt at work? Our gay Delaware personal injury lawyers handle personal injury cases including automobile accidents, negligence, slip and falls, and wrongful death. If you have suffered an injury due to the fault of someone else, please contact our team of Las Vegas, Nevada gay friendly attorneys to discuss how we can get you the benefits and compensation you deserve. We can assist you with your negligence claim when you get hurt. Our LGBTQ friendly personal injury attorneys are admitted in all 50 states, DC & Puerto Rico and practice in state and Federal courts. Connect with us today for a free consultation. No fee unless we recover for you and your family.
LGBT Friendly Lawyers Handling Premises Liability Cases
In legal terms, premises liability typically refers to being injured on another person’s property due to unsafe conditions. Slip and falls and dog bites are two very common types of premises liability cases but there are many more variations. Some others include nightclub accidents, restaurant accidents, swimming pool accidents, fires, explosions, roof cave-ins, inadequate lighting, inadequate security, assault and amusement park accidents. Any residential property, commercial building or open space can become the scene of a premises liability accident. These include offices, sports facilities, private homes, patient care facilities, nursing homes and treatment centers.
If you have been injured due to negligent property maintenance or upkeep it makes sense to contact our skilled Gay friendly & LGBT friendly slip and fall injury lawyers. They handle all types of personal injury cases including animal attacks, assault cases, premises liability claims, sexual assaults & slip and fall cases.
A property owner has a responsibility to keep his or her own property safe from hazardous and dangerous conditions. If this obligation is not met, the property owner may be held liable for any accident or injury occurring on the premise. In addition to the owner, property managers, contractors, tenants and corporate entities bear that same responsibility. Frequently, from a legal standpoint, it is important to know who has control of the property when determining who is liable. The controlling party typically must exercise control to the extent that the property is maintained in an attempt to prevent accidents or injuries. If more than one person or party has the right to control the property then all can be held accountable legally if an accident or injury occurs. Often times, this can lead to a third party, or vicarious liability, lawsuit.
Common injuries in a premises liability case can be: soft tissue injuries, broken bones, dislocations, sprains, strains, scarring, disfigurement, paralysis, back injuries, neck injuries, whiplash, Central Nervous System injuries, concussions, vision loss, hearing loss and wrongful death (aka accidental death). Our LGBTQ friendly slip & fall injury lawyers handle all of these injury cases and more. Please contact our gay injury attorneys today to discuss your case.
LGBTQ Friendly & Gay Nursing Home Injury Lawyers
When you choose a nursing home facility for an aging loved one, you do so with care, ensuring that the facility’s staff observes the highest standards. You visit your relatives periodically and are pleased with the personal attention and assistance given to them. Then one day, you discover your loved one’s condition has worsened or you discover a bedsore or an unsanitary condition. The trust you have placed in this facility has been broken, and you may even feel responsible. Our Baltimore, Maryland LGBTQ nursing home abuse attorneys handling nursing home abuse cases understand the difficult decision that families must make in arranging care for elder members. If your loved ones have been injured while in a nursing home or elder care facility, or they show signs of abuse or neglect, contact our firm for a free initial consultation.
Nursing home workers, while skilled and usually highly trained, are not typically medical professionals. Unfortunately, the elder care industry is a stressful and emotionally draining industry with a very high turnover rate. Even in the best of facilities, stress can lead to poor employee screening and failure to properly monitor vulnerable patients can result in serious injuries to elder residents. These injuries can include: bedsores, dehydration, malnutrition, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), blood clots, ignoring doctor’s orders, verbal abuse, sexual assault, physical abuse, falls, wandering off, unnecessary restraint, financial abuse or manipulation, transportation injuries and accidents & medication errors. Medical negligence lawsuits are also common in nursing homes as doctors can easily slip up, inaccurately diagnose a serious illness, not pay attention to medication labels and commit a surgical error. Also, infections such as urinary tract infections, post-op infections, sepsis, bacterial infections, viral infections, meningitis and, of course, COVID-19 infections run rampant in nursing homes across the country.
While there are literally thousands of nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities in the country many are owned by large national or global organizations such as Genesis Healthcare, ProMedica Senior Care (formerly ManorCare), Cadia Health, Life Centers of America, Five Star Senior Living, Brookdale Senior Living, The Ensign Group, Sava Senior Care, Golden Living Center, Atria Senior Living & Holiday Retirement. Still others are independently owned or part of smaller local oro regional organizations.
Our LGBT friendly injury attorneys work tirelessly to assist clients whose aged loved ones have been the victims of nursing home negligence. They will examine every aspect of the situation leading to injury, even tracking down former employees if necessary to get the evidence we need to prove liability. This tenacious approach is coupled with a high level of care and concern for those we assist. Please contact our queer nursing home injury attorneys today for a free initial consultation.
Gay, Queer & LGBTQ Attorneys Handling Product Liability Claims
A product liability claim is also called a defective product case and or a mass tort claim. They include hundreds of home, office, garden, health and beauty products as well as defective medical devices and medications resulting in cancer(s), bone injuries and other health conditions. Wrongful death is also a common result of defective product cases.
Examples of these mass tort injury cases are IKEA furniture recalls, Zantac recalls, Roundup weedkiller non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cases, Truvada PrEP medication injuries, J & J talc powder ovarian cancer cases, mesothelioma and others.
Gay & LGBT Friendly SSDI Attorneys & SSI Lawyers
Have you been hurt or injured to the point that you’re no longer able to work? Are you in need of Social Security insurance benefits or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)? Our New York Gay Friendly Social Security Insurance Attorneys and Pennsylvania LGBTQ Disability Insurance Lawyers may be able to help you obtain benefits under SSDI laws. They know first hand that having a claim approved is not that easy. Filing for SSDI benefits involves a prolonged process and often involves the hiring of an attorney to ensure benefits are obtained. They invite you to contact our California queer SSI Attorneys to discuss your SSI or SSDI case and how they can help you.
Social Security benefits provide a security blanket for people who are injured and no longer able to work for more than 12 months. SSDI is available to Americans who are under 65 years of age and have met a required amount of work credits. Work credits consists of the number of years someone has spent employed at a job where they pay social security taxes. SSDI insurance will pay benefits to you and your family members if you are “insured.” This means you must have worked long enough and paid Social Security taxes.
In order to qualify for SSDI, you must have first worked in a job covered by Social Security. In addition you must have a medical condition that meets the Social Security definition of disability. Cash benefits are paid to claimants who are unable to work for a year or more as a result of the disability. Benefits will discontinue once a person is able to work again. If you receive disability benefits upon reaching the age of retirement, your benefits will be converted to retirement benefits and the amount will remain the same.
SSDI claimants must go through a strenuous process in order to obtain benefits. First, your medical condition will be reviewed. The type of work you can perform while suffering from your medical condition will be reviewed. The medical condition must interfere with basic work-related activities. The Social Security Administration maintains a list of medical conditions that are so severe they automatically deems a person disabled. If the condition is not on the list, it must be reviewed by the SSA.
Upon obtaining a medical determination of your medical condition, you will have to complete documentation to file a claim. Your claim will be processed and reviewed for a final determination. It is best to hire an experienced SSDI attorney to prepare the filling for you. This will help lessen the probability of your application being denied.
Please feel free to contact our LGBT friendly SSI Lawyers to discuss your SSDI claim in confidence. They will provide you with legal advice and guidance on how to proceed in obtaining benefits.
Gay & LGBT Friendly Lawyers Handling Traffic Violations
Have you recently been cited for committing a traffic violation anywhere in the country or Puerto Rico? If so, our LGBT friendly traffic ticket attorneys can help you. Being cited with a traffic ticket can costs you hundreds of thousands of dollars. Under certain circumstances, you may not have violated a traffic offense, yet were still ticketed. Fortunately, you can fight a traffic violation in all 50 states, Puerto Rico & Washington D.C.
Across the country police may pull you over for hundreds of reasons. Being cited with committing a traffic violation could result in serious penalties and fines in addition to serving jail time, and points added to driver’s license. Having a blemished traffic record can impact your employment, security clearance, and future employment opportunities.
As experienced traffic violation attorneys, our Boston, Massachusetts LGBTQ friendly traffic crime lawyers can provide you with effective legal representation. They have successfully handled tens of thousands of traffic violation cases across the United States. Our LGBTQ friendly criminal defense lawyers & LGBT friendly DUI defense lawyers provide legal representation for the following traffic violations in all 50 states, Puerto Rico & Washington DC:
- Driving without a license, driving with a suspended license, or driving with a revoked license
- Speeding, excessive speeding and aggressive driving
- Driving an uninsured vehicle
- Hit and run
- Reckless driving, careless driving, inattentive driving & texting while driving
- Improper lane change
- Fleeing and eluding the police
- Failure to stop at a red light or school bus
- Manslaughter or negligent homicide involving a motor vehicle
Do not wait to contact our LGBT friendly traffic crime lawyers if you have been cited with committing any of the above referenced traffic violations or others not listed. You can pay your traffic ticket or fight it. You will have 30 days to “comply” with the ticket in most states. You can either pay the ticket, request a waiver hearing, or request a trial. Your best course of action is to contact our LGBTQ friendly traffic ticket attorneys and let them handle it as they are the best at what they do.
Please click here to contact our team of LGBTQ friendly traffic ticket lawyers to discuss your alleged traffic violation. They can represent you at trial and ensure the best legal defense is asserted on your behalf. Do not delay in obtaining legal guidance and advice. You have a short period of time to contest the alleged traffic violation. As you need your driving privileges protected so you can get to work to support your family let our LGBT friendly traffic violation lawyers help you.
LGBTQ Workers Compensation Attorneys
Accidents and work injuries can occur in all workplace settings. These injuries may be related to repetitive activities such as typing, data entry, lifting and the like. On the other hand, the injury can be related to a single work incident such as slipping in the parking lot, slipping on a wet floor, falling on stairs, falling off a ladder, bending, lifting an object, being hit by a pipe or a box or even a vehicle. Certain work environments are inherently more likely to be the location of serious or even life threatening or fatal injuries, such as construction sites or other heavy labor employment. Work accidents and injuries can also occur from the use of equipment and machinery. You should know your rights when injured in the scope of your employment. Our LGBTQ friendly workers’ compensation attorneys are experienced with workman’s compensation laws in all states. They can help you protect your rights to have your medical bills paid and your lost wages covered while you are unable to work.
If you have been hurt or injured while performing a work related task connect with our LGBTQ friendly workers compensation attorneys. With many years experience handling all accidents occurring in a workplace setting they are well versed in Workman’s Compensation Law. In addition, our gay friendly work injury lawyers handling workers’ comp claims are familiar with the legal process for filing workers’ compensation claims. They will make sure all details regarding filing your claim are adhered to. Our gay, gay friendly & LGBTQ workers’ compensation lawyers serve those hurt at work throughout all 50 states, Puerto Rico & Washington D.C. Please contact them here for a free case analysis.
Contact Our LGBTQ Friendly Lawyers Today
Please call or email our New Jersey gay friendly lawyers no matter what legal issues you are facing. Let them put their experience handling legal issues across the country to work for you. Our Philadelphia, Pennsylvania LGBT friendly lawyers will fight for, and protect, your rights such as: your freedom, ability to be employed, driving privileges, child custody rights and reputation no matter what legal issues you are facing.
Regardless of what state your legal issues are in our team of LGBTQ friendly lawyers can help as they serve all 50 states, Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. including: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Washington D.C., West Virginia, Wyoming & Wisconsin.