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New York

According to New York premises liability laws the phrase “slip and fall” is used to describe any injury that occurring on someone else’s property whether it is private, public or government owned. These accidents are usually a result of a defective surface, wet or slippery floors, or other dangerous property conditions. Our gay New York injury lawyers practice handles all premises liability cases. An owner of property (“premises”) owes a duty to his guests (“invitees”) to keep his property in a reasonably safe condition and to correct dangerous conditions. If they do not, and an accident or injury occurs the property owner and other liable parties need to be held accountable for what their negligence did to you. You can have your NYC injury claim thoroughly analyzed by contacting our New York, New York LGBTQ friendly injury attorneys here.

With offices throughout New York our gay injury attorneys serve all of NY including Albany, Brooklyn, Bronx, Buffalo, Harlem, Long Island, Manhattan, New York City, Queens, Rochester, Staten Island & White Plains.

How & Where NYC Slip & Falls Occur

Premises liability cases can occur pretty much anywhere. This includes parking lots, sidewalks, restaurants, gas stations, a private residence, convenience stores, stairwells, garages, gyms, health clubs, office buildings, golf courses, supermarkets, shopping malls and can happen inside or outside of the structure. It is interesting to note that premises liability cases tend to mirror many work accident cases in terms of the accident and the injuries caused. The primary difference however is liability, benefits and type of compensation obtained. Our gay friendly New York City injury attorneys handle both premises liability cases as well as New York workers’ comp claims.

Inside a building, dangerous conditions such as torn carpeting, abrupt changes in flooring, poor lighting, narrow or poorly maintained stairs, or a wet floor can cause victims to slip, fall, and become seriously injured. Outside of a building, victims may slip, trip, and fall because of a hazard such as a pothole. The fact that you become injured from a slip, trip, or fall does not necessarily mean that someone else is legally responsible for your injury. The owner or operator of a business has a legal duty to maintain the premises in a reasonably safe condition, or at least warn the public of a dangerous condition that they caused, were aware of, or should have been aware of. If these tests are not met, and you injure yourself on their property as a result of their failure to meet these conditions, you may have a valid claim against the business owner or operator. Premises liability claims encompass a variety of injuries including but not limited to:

  • Injuries on snow and ice
  • Injuries sustained in houses
  • Injuries sustained in parking lots
  • Injuries sustained in stores
  • Injuries sustained in building corridors
  • Injuries sustained outside on private or public land
  • Injuries sustained during recreational activities
  • Injuries sustained in swimming pools
  • Injuries sustained at resorts
  • Injuries sustained in elevators

While the most common premises liability case is a slip and fall accident or a trip and fall accident, these injuries are by no means the only kind of premises negligence case that our gay friendly New York, New York law firm handles. New York premises liability lawsuits may also stem from any kind of unsafe or dangerous conditions on the premises, or defect in the construction of, or inadequate maintenance of the premises where an injury or accident occurs. These types of cases include animal attacks such as dog bites, all slip and fall case types, hospital negligence, sewer grate accidents, parking lot accidents, pothole injuries, elevator accidents, assaults, sexual assault, sidewalk accidents and injuries at a college, school or university.

From the date of injury or death the state of New York Statute of Limitations starts ticking away as you only have 3 years to file a lawsuit. Do not entertain the idea of waiting 3 days much less 3 years. Any delay in filing your claim and getting you the benefits and compensation you need becomes that much more difficult.

Let Our Gay New York Injury Attorneys Help You

Should you have questions or concerns about a premises liability claim, please contact our NYC LGBTQ attorneys today. Our gay friendly Manhattan injury attorneys offer free initial consultations and work on a contingent fee basis, which means that there is never a fee or cost unless we successfully resolve your case. For immediate assistance on your New York City slip and fall case, please email our gay New York injury lawyers by clicking here.

No matter what state your injury occurred in our New York, New York gay friendly slip and fall lawyers can help as they serve all 50 states, Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. including: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida,Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Washington D.C., West Virginia, Wyoming and Wisconsin.