DUI Checkpoints
Have been arrested for drunk driving at a DUI Roadblock? Do you question the fairness, randomness or legality of these DUI Checkpoints? If so, do not feel discouraged. Regardless of whether you are a Maryland resident or you are visiting Maryland on vacation or business please know that you have rights if you have been arrested for Driving Under the Influence at a DUI Checkpoint in Maryland, Massachusetts, Texas, Florida, California, Pennsylvania or any other state.
If you have been arrested for DUI it is in your best interest to work with a skilled DUI Defense Lawyer. Email our DUI checkpoint attorneys here. They have many years experience serving those accused of DUI in Washington DC, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia and all other states.
Sobriety Checkpoint Laws
The state of Maryland has a highway safety initiative that involves and permits random DUI Roadblocks. Throughout the state there is an increased number of DUI checkpoints on the weekends when the weather is nicer. The goal of the DUI Checkpoints is to stop impaired, drunk or drugged driving on Maryland roads, highways and interstates. Often times these checkpoints can be scattered throughout Baltimore County, Harford County and Cecil County, Maryland. In particular they may be setup near downtown Baltimore, Towson University and Chesapeake City. They may also be found near other areas populated with bars, grills and restaurants.
Legal Issues Regarding DUI Checkpoints
These DUI Roadblocks or DUI Checkpoints are perfectly legal throughout the United States. They are designed to help to keep Maryland roads and highways safer. However, there are certain legal concerns regarding DUI Checkpoints such as:
Did law enforcement lawfully choose the DUI Checkpoint location?
Were proper DUI arrest protocol followed?
Were that states DUI Roadblock guidelines followed?
Were that states officials properly notified of the checkpoint?
Was the roadblock properly conducted?
Were Field Sobriety Tests properly administered?
Were the breathalyzer devices properly calibrated?
Call An Ambien DUI Lawyer Serving Chicago, Philadelphia, Manhattan & Dallas
Retaining a DUI Lawyer who has experience with DUI checkpoints makes perfect sense if you have been pulled over and charged with DUI or DWI at a Sobriety Checkpoint. Our Dallas Ambien DUI attorneys will make sure your rights are protected throughout the entire legal process. You can also email our DUI checkpoint lawyers here. With many years serving those accused of drunk driving throughout the country will defend your rights while attempting to keep the negative consequences of your pending drunk driving charges to a minimum. He is aware of the fact that you may have just made a one time mistake. He will do his best to convey that to the prosecution. Let them put their vast experience to work for you. Obtaining the most favorable outcome possible for you is their number one concern.